by Paul Reakes
This production is by arrangement with Stagescripts Ltd

Our production of ‘Wee Willie Winkie’ by Paul Reakes, postponed from March 2024, is now scheduled for Thursday 6th, Friday 7th & Saturday 8th February 2025 starting at 7.30pm. There is a matinee performance at 2.30pm on Saturday 8th February. Doors open for evening performances at 7pm, and for the matinee, at 2pm.

Synopsis: When the Winkie Family inherit Murk Manor in the seaside Village of Port Oggie, it causes havoc for the local smugglers! Get ready for all the usual pantomime fun and games as our smugglers try to scare off the Winkies!

Tickets are just £6 each for all performances. Payment in advance is by Cheque, cash or BACS. They are available by calling 01822 855336, or via email: Cheques should be made payable to: Buckland Monachorum Drama Group and posted/delivered to: 30 Modyford Walk, Buckland Monachorum, Yelverton, PL20 7NQ. Please enclose an SAE if you require your tickets to be posted back to you. BACS details: Sort Code: 40-44-05 Acc No. 31138790.

We would still like to invite children (and adults) to join in this production as members of the chorus. The children do have small speaking parts as ‘villagers’, which includes the (possible) mandatory eating of sweets! If you (or your children) are interested in joining us, them please ring Sheila Phillips 01752 775195 for further information, or email via the tickets@ email address as above.

The Drama Group are keen to welcome new members for future productions. No previous acting experience required! Contact is as above. We need off-stage help too, especially with the running of sound and lights during shows. This is mostly controlled from a computer (SFX) and a lighting control desk. No experience is necessary as we can show you the ropes (so to speak) and all help will be provided by the Drama Group Team.